How Inflation Impacts Eating Habits and Chronic Illness

How Inflation Impacts Eating Habits and Chronic Illness

Published on Monday, October 21, 2024
Alexander Koch

Acid Reflux

Managing IBS, GERD, and Reflux on a Budget: Navigating Inflation and Food Choices

Inflation makes all our lives (except those of our corporate overlords) harder. Following the post-2020 pandemic-driven disruptions in supply chains and compounded by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, inflation, as measured by the consumer price index, has substantially jumped in the past five years, going from a “normal” annual 1-2% to as high as ~8% in 2022.

Inflation affects all our spending choices. This includes food choices in grocery purchases and frequency and restaurant choices in eating out. For those who suffer from GERD, acid reflux, or irritable bowel disease, this can potentially lead to some hard choices: Should I focus more on managing my symptoms or saving money? With some planning, hopefully, you can do both!

The Price of Food: How Inflation is Changing What We Eat

Research tends to confirm what we expect: as food prices increase, we tend to buy less of a given food. This has been explored from a public policy standpoint, such as imposing taxes on high-calorie foods (e.g., soda, fast food) to reduce over-consumption and improve health outcomes. While, in the main, higher food prices lead to lower consumption, consumers are more likely to keep purchasing “hyper-palatable” (which tend to be high-calorie and less nutrient-dense) foods.

Health is cited as the primary motive for food choice in food-secure people. For patients with GI symptoms, such as IBS, GERD, and acid reflux, maintaining healthy food choices in the face of price increases is vital to maintaining a high quality of life.

IBS & GERD in a Changing Food Landscape

IBS and Food Triggers: Limited Choices Can Worsen Symptoms

Managing IBS through diet is largely accomplished by avoiding certain trigger foods. Limited food choices, imposed by high costs, can potentially worsen symptoms. For example, gluten-free bread products are generally more expensive than their wheat-containing counterparts. Identifying economical alternatives is a great option.

For example, avoiding bread altogether and using naturally gluten-free foods, such as rice and potatoes, as your starchy carbohydrate sources can be a cost-saving way to manage symptoms.

Garlic and onions are two common IBS triggers that (unfortunately) taste great. Consequently, garlic and onions are two of the most common flavoring agents in sauces. Pre-made Low FODMAP condiments are awesome but tend to be pricey. Alternatively, you can make your own flavorings using Low FODMAP spices such as cinnamon, rosemary, and crushed red peppers. A good hint on finding cheap spices: you can save a fortune by purchasing your spices at a bargain store like Dollar Tree.

Managing GERD on a Budget: Avoiding Acidic Fruits and Vegetables Might Become Harder

Processed foods tend to be cheaper than fresh produce. However, the potential for increased reliance on processed foods can worsen GERD, as acidic fruits and vegetables are common ingredients in processed food. Farmer’s markets and bargain bins present a more affordable option to find fresh produce and avoid the potential trigger of prepackaged, processed foods that are likely higher in acidity.

Strategies for Managing Chronic Illness During Inflation

Planning can minimize the burden of high food prices and maximize your health outcomes. Using coupons and planning meals around sales flyers can lead to substantial savings in your grocery budget. Meat, fish, and poultry are often some of the more expensive items on a grocery list. Incorporating affordable protein sources like beans and lentils as alternatives to meats can save a lot of money, and beans, especially dried beans, are very budget-friendly.

Another cost-saving measure is swapping expensive fruits for budget-friendly options like apples or bananas. Frozen and canned vegetables are much cheaper than fresh vegetables and nearly as nutritious. 

Lastly, you can always seek help. Consult a doctor or dietitian to create a personalized plan for your needs. This is a one-time expense that can pay for itself in the long run with cheaper grocery bills and better overall health.


  1. Duffey, K. J., Gordon-Larsen, P., Shikany, J. M., Guilkey, D., Jacobs, D. R., Jr, & Popkin, B. M. (2010). Food price and diet and health outcomes: 20 years of the CARDIA Study. Archives of internal medicine, 170(5), 420–426.
  2. Fazzino, T. L., Bjorlie, K., Rohde, K., Smith, A., & Yi, R. (2022). Choices between money and hyper-palatable food: Choice impulsivity and eating behavior. Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 41(8), 538–548.
  3. Haydaroğlu, M., & Bilgiç, P. (2024). Validation of the food inflation impact on consumer behavior scale: a comparative measurement instrument with focus on food security. International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 1–12. Advance online publication.
  4. Hempel C. (2024). A segmentation and characterization of consumers affected by rising food prices. Appetite, 194, 107192.
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  6. Michael, A., & Venz, S. (2024, August 13). Countries with the highest interest and inflation rates. Forbes. 


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