Managing Acid Reflux in College: Tips for Healthy Eating and Stress-Free Living
Living the college life can be a rollercoaster of excitement and stress. You're no longer under the watchful eyes of your parents, but their safety net is gone, and you're left to navigate the challenges of a limited budget and dining hall hours. With late-night study sessions, unpredictable class schedules, and irregular eating patterns, acid reflux can become an unwelcome companion.
But fear not! As a registered dietitian who's been in your shoes, I've gathered some practical insights to help you make wise food choices, budget-friendly tips, and supportive lifestyle hacks. These will not only keep your heartburn under control but also empower you to take charge of your gut health.
Get Next Level: Fuel Your Body (and Brain) Without the Burn
As easy as it is to ride the wave of your first year at college, it is best to set yourself up for success when prioritizing healthy food choices. This will reduce the occurrence of acid reflux and help with weight management and prevention of the dreaded college weight gain.
Having a supply of non-perishable foods, a mini fridge, and microwave access in your dorm room can help immensely. Many cheap and healthy food ideas are available with little to minimal preparation. The following is a great list of foods on hand (please be mindful of any food allergies or intolerances).

Dining Hall Decisions: Choosing Foods That Won’t Trigger Reflux
When eating in the dining hall or any other location, aim to choose whole foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins (chicken, fish, etc), and low-acid foods. Keep in mind reflux is triggered by high acid (spicy, tomato-based, or citrus fruits), greasy (fried), and high-fat foods (heavy cream sauce, red meat, chicken skin, butter, etc). Other foods to be mindful to avoid are processed foods bacon, sausage, fast food, convenience store foods), excessive caffeine (over-sweetened coffee drinks, energy drinks), and carbonated beverages. Instead, opt for foods like oatmeal, brown rice, lean meats, non-citrus fruits, and non-acidic vegetables.
Late-Night Cravings Conquered: Smart Snacking Strategies
Listen, I get it. I was in college, and I know all too well about the late-night study sessions and going in on pizza. I understand staying up too late to hang with friends and needing a gallon of coffee the next day to survive class. Having healthier snack options for nighttime or throughout the day when you have limited breaks between classes can really make a difference. Instead of going after chips and soda, look for options like popcorn, wheat crackers, and cheese, or Greek yogurt and granola. Other activities, such as partying, can trigger reflux or poor lifestyle habits (poor sleep, late-night eating, overconsuming alcohol). Be mindful of these activities by maintaining a healthy school, work, and play balance.
Understanding proper portion sizes can also help immensely, as well as not eating a ton right before laying down for bed. Often, when you have a busy schedule, eating during the day goes out the window. Once things settle down and you can relax, the hunger sets in, and before you know it, you have become a hangry monster. Managing your portions throughout the day with meals and snacks, as well as maintaining proper meal timing, goes a long way in healthy eating habits. Remember you want to have something to eat every 2-3 hours, go at most 5 hours without eating, and stop eating 1-2 hours before bedtime.
Beyond the Basics: Non-Food Tips for Managing College-Life Reflux
Other things to keep in mind to help control your reflux is to incorporate relaxation through yoga and meditation. Participating in deep breathing techniques, digestion-promoting poses, and having a calm environment are very beneficial lifestyle tips. Another great idea is to avoid tight clothing that can be restrictive around your abdomen, which can place unnecessary pressure on your GI tract. Try to maintain healthy sleep habits. Your body will tell you quickly if you have been burning the candle at both ends. Having poor sleep habits can make you feel terrible and ineffective when studying. Additionally, consider elevating the head of your bed to prevent acid from flowing back into your esophagus during sleep.
Building a Supportive Community
Now, occasional heartburn may still occur significantly if your stress level increases around exams. Stress can exacerbate acid reflux symptoms, so it's important to manage your stress levels. If this becomes a more frequent issue and you have adjusted your lifestyle habits, you should contact the college health center. A clinician can provide you with more personalized guidance or over-the-counter medication options. Another thing you can do is team up with a friend or roommate to get support for healthy lifestyle choices that you can do together.
Going off to college is an exciting milestone in life. This is the first real independence for most young adults, and it can be scary when your health becomes compromised by lifestyle changes. Remember to recognize this and not go buck wild; it is college, not Neverland. Make intelligent choices and work with friends and other college resources to make healthy adjustments to promote the best success. If you have any other helpful tips, please add them to the comments section below!
- O’Brien, D. (2022, October 20). 25 easy, Cheap & Healthy College Meals. EatingWell.
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